Detroit Lakes Minnesota

Welcome to Detroit Lakes Minnesota

April 2014

Tuesday April 1, 2014
Open Scrapbooking
4-10 pm
Erlene Davis 701.361.8319


Tuesday April 1, 2014
DL Schools Community
Listening Session
Rossman Elementary School
Contact: 847-9271

Tuesday April 1, 2014
Free Poker League
7-9PM, Holiday Inn

Thursday April 3, 2014
El Zagal Shrine Circus
Becker County Fair Grounds
Three performances:
10am, 12:30pm, 6:30pm
Tickets $5 in advance,
$7 at the door

Fri. April 4, 2014 - Sun. April 6, 2014
Minnesota State Indoor
Archery Tournament
Sports Arena
Contact: Sheila or Kyle 218-841-8881

Friday April 4, 2014
Fish Fry sponsored by the
Knights of Columbus
Holy Rosary Parish Center 5-7pm
Adults/$8, 12 and under/$5

Friday, April 4
Areomodelers Show Sale & Swap
Washington Square Mall, 218.847.1679

Fri. April 4, 2014 - Sat. April 5, 2014
Lakes Crisis & Resource Center
Annua.l Banquet & Auction
Holiday Inn, Tickets/$50 each
Contact 218-847-8572

Friday April 4, 2014
Historic Holmes Center
Contact 218-844-7469
Adults-$18, Students-$9

Saturday April 5, 2014
Murder Mystery Dinner
Contact: 218-847-8439

Sunday April 6, 2014
Week of the Young Child
Different activities for each day
Washington Square Mall
ECFE 844-4797

Monday April 7, 2014
Detroit Lakes Kindergarten
Roundup & Registration
Rossman Elementary School
1:30pm or 6:30pm
Contact: Rossman: 847.9268
Roosevelt: 847.1106
Administration: 847.9271

Monday April 7, 2014
Week of the Young Child Activities
9-11am - A Trip Around Town,
Frazee Elementary School
3:30-5pm-Storytime at the
DL Public Library
Special animal guest, free book
ECFE 844-4797

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Week of the Young Child Activities
10am-2pm - Playtime at the DLCCC
4-5:30pm - Spring Splash at the
Lincoln Ed. Center
10am-4pm- Scavenger Hunt
to find Old Three Legs
at the Becker County Museum
(thru Friday, April 11).

Tuesday April 8, 2014
Open Scrapbooking, 4-10 pm
Erlene Davis 701.361.8319

Tuesday April 8, 2014
Free Poker League
7-9PM, Holiday Inn

Wednesday April 9, 2014
Week of the Young Child Activities
9:30 AM - 2:15 PM
Children's concerts performed by
Jack Pearson at the DLCCC
Ballroom: 9:30-10:15am and 1:30-2:15pm.
Scavenger Hunt for Old Three Legs at
the Becker County Museum 10am-4pm.
ECFE 844-4797

Thursday April 10, 2014
Week of the Young Child Activities
Preschool Storytime with Clifford
the Big Red Dog.
10am-4pm Scavenger Hunt
for Old Three Legs at the
Becker County Museum.
ECFE 844-4797

Thursday April 10, 2014
North Country Trail Lautentian
Lake Chapter Mtg: Edible Plants & Fungi
DL Public Library
Ray Vlasak 218.573.3243

Friday April 11, 2014
Week of the Young Child Activities
9-10:30am - Ooey Gooey at
Mahube-Otwa Head Start
10:45-11:45am - Indoor Playtime at the Lincoln Ed Center
2:30-4:30pm - Spring Fest at the
Washington Square Mall with
food and fun activities.
Children's Art on display all week at
Washington Square Mall.
10am-4pm - Scavenger Hunt for Old Three Legs at the Becker County Museum
ECFE 844-4797

Friday April 11, 2014
Fish Fry sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Holy Rosary Parish Center, 5-7pm
Adults-$8, 5-12-$5

Friday April 11, 2014
5th Annual Back to the Wetlands Fundraiser
Speak Easy, 6pm cocktail hour,
silent auction, 7pm dinner
Contact: Wetlands Office 218-847-4431

Saturday April 12, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
Observe the spring Walleye spawning process
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Saturday April 12, 2014
Maple Syrup Days
*Pancakes and real maple syrup at the Vergas Event Center.
*5K registration
7:30-8:45am at Billy's Bar;
race starts at 9am.
Vergas Asst. Living;
ages 4-7 and 8-10 at
St. John's Lutheran Church.
*Sugar house tours (weather permitting), maps at pancake feed.

Saturday April 12, 2014
Easter Egg Hunt 10-11am
Washington Square Mall

Saturday April 12, 2014
Eagles Stag & Doe, 14th Annual
Eagles Club 847-5267
$25 meal ticket; $25 raffle ticket


Saturday April 12, 2014
Heart O' Lakes Harmony Concert
Holmes Theatre 218-844-7469
Tickets $12; children under 12 free

Sunday April 13, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning
& Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Sunday April 13, 2014
Palm Sunday

Monday April 14, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Monday April 14, 2014
Town Hall Meeting with
Senator Eken & Rep. Marquart
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Detroit Lakes City Hall

Wednesday April 16, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Thursday April 17, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

If you would like to have your event included on the calendar for free, contact us

Fishing Reports from Brad Laabs

Support Bring Back Detroit Mountain

Adopt a Pet Today
View the animals for adoption at, or call 218.847.0511

Tuesday April 15, 2014
Open Scrapbooking, 4-10 pm
Erlene Davis 701.361.8319

Tuesday April 15, 2014
League of Women Voters Presentation
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
La Barista 808 Washington Ave
Wine and Appetizers

Tuesday April 15, 2014
Free Poker League
Holiday Inn, 7-9pm

Wednesday April 16, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Thursday April 17, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Friday April 18, 2014

Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Sunday April 20, 2014
Easter, Celebrate at your local church

Sunday April 20, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Monday April 21, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Tuesday April 22, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Tuesday April 22, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Tuesday April 22, 2014
Open Scrapbooking, 4-10 pm
Erlene Davis 701.361.8319

Tuesday April 22, 2014
Free Poker League
Holiday Inn, 7-9pm

Tuesday April 22, 2014
FMSO String Quartet, 7-9pm
Historic Holmes Theatre

Wednesday April 23, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Thursday April 24, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Thursday April 24, 2014
United Way Celebration of Heroes
Holiday Inn on the Lake
5:00 pm
A celebration to honor our
community's heroes - awards given.
LuAnn Porter 846-7400
By invitation

Friday April 25, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Fri. April 25, 2014 - Sat. April 26, 2014
Alpha Delta Kappa State Convention
Holiday Inn
Grace Beck, 218.847.8592

Friday April 25, 2014
Laura Ingalls Wilder, 10am & 1pm
Historic Holmes Theatre 218.844.7469
Adults-$10, Students-$5

Friday April 25, 2014
Holy Rosary Spring Interlude Olympics
Holmes Ballroom
Tickets: $60; available at Holy Rosary,
by calling 847-5306
13th annual Dinner, Dance, Raffles &
Auction Fundraiser for
Music and Art at Holy Rosary School.

Saturday April 26, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Saturday April 26, 2014
Model Train Show
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Washington Square Mall,

Saturday April 26, 2014
Gun Show, 9-3pm
National Guard Armory
1220 Rossman Avenue
Neigel's 218-736-2133

Saturday April 26, 2014
Bike Rodeo, 9:30-11:30am
Kent Freeman Sports Arena

Saturday April 26, 2014
Guided Spring hike from CR-126 to
Pine Lake Trailhead, 2 miles, 1pm-2:30pm
Meet at Pine Lake trailhead in
Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge.
Karen Stenberg 218.847.1929

Sunday April 27, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Sunday April 27, 2014
Model Train Show
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Washington Square Mall,

Sunday April 27, 2014
Gun Show, 9-3pm
National Guard Armory
1220 Rossman Avenue
Neigel's 218-736-2133

Sunday April 27, 2014
Holmes Jam Session with
Pam Longtine, Traditional Fiddler, 2-5pm
Historic Holmes Ballroom

Sunday April 27, 2014
Lakes Area Community Concert Band
Historic Holmes Theatre,
Freewill Offering

Monday April 28, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Tuesday April 29, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340

Tuesday April 29, 2014
Open Scrapbooking, 4-10 pm
Erlene Davis 701.361.8319
4-10 pm

Tuesday April 29, 2014
Free Poker League
Holiday Inn, 7-9pm

Wednesday April 30, 2014
Spring Walleye Spawning & Hatchery
Dunton Locks County Park
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Mandy Erickson 218.846.8340


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