Calendar -
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota |
February 2013 |
February 1st
- 3rd, 2013
Boys Bantam A Hockey Tournament
Kent Freeman Ice Arena
Contact: Chris Denardo 218.847.9651
Website: http://www.dlyouthhockey.com
February 2nd, 2013
Midnite Riders Classic Old Timer's Snowmobile Run
Location: Lake Park
Contact: Tom Holmes, 218.532.7734
Website: www.midniteriders.com
February 3rd, 2013
(anti) Super Bowl Party, 2-5pm
Sponsored by Lush Lola's - food,
snacks and shopping.
Takeout food available.
Place your food order by Saturday, Feb. 2, 6pm.
Location: The Meadows
on Lind, 11463 Hwy. 59 So.
Price: free
Contact: Shannon, 234-2712
Website: http://www.facebook.com/lushlola
February 7th, 2013
Death By Chocolate: DL Women of Today, 7pm
An evening of tantalizing
treats and decadent desserts.
Location: Holiday Inn on the Lake
Price: First five ladies to join receive $25 off
yearly membership
of $45/year
Contact: www.dlwt.org or www.facebook.com/dlwomenoftoday
February 8th, 2013
Daddy's Little Sweetheart Dance, 6-9pm
This dream-come-true event for
daughters ages 2-12 and
their dads or significant male figure.
Location: Historic Holmes Ballroom
Price: prices vary, see website
Contact: Historic Holmes Theatre, 218.844.7469
Website: http://www.dlccc.org
February 8th - 10th, 2013
Vern Turner Memorial Bonspiel
Location: Lakes Curling Club
Contact: Lakes Curling Club, 218.847.8186
February 8th,
Hidden History Happy Hour, 7-9pm
What's Unde that
Dress? The ins and outs of
women's undergarments. Drinks, food and
"underside" of Becker Country History.
Call the Museum to
reserve your ticket.
Location: Becker County Museum
$10/advance, $12/door
Contact: Becker County Museum 218.847.2938
February 8th -
10th, 2013
Girls U10B/U12A Hockey Tournament
Kent Freeman Ice Arena
Contact: Chris Denardo 218.847.9651
Website: http://www.dlyouthhockey.com
February 8th - 17th,
Polar Fest
Location: Detroit Lakes
February 9th, 2013
Poles n' Holes Fishing Derby, 12-3pm
Location: Detroit Lake
Price: $35/in advance or $40/on ice;
purchase by Jan.17 for a chance at an Auger
Contact: Nate
218.844.3062 or nate.hunter@midwestbank.com
Website: http://www.icefishingdetroitlakes.org
February 9th,
Big Detroit 100 - Vintage Snowmobile Race/Polar Fest
Kick Off
Location: Holiday Inn on the Lake
Contact: Holiday Inn on
the Lake, 218.847.2121
Website: http://www.holidayinndl.com
February 9th, 2013
Fabulous Armadillos, 7:30pm
Location: Historic Holmes Theatre
Contact: Historic Holmes Theatre,
Website: http://www.dlccc.org
February 9th, 2013
Polar Fest Kick Off Party, Live Music by 8th Hour: 9:30pm
Holiday Inn on the Lake
Contact: Holiday Inn on the Lake,
Website: http://www.holidayinndl.com
February 9th, 2013
Cabin Fever Extravaganza Craft & Vendor
Show, 10am-3pm
Location: Frazee Event Center
Price: free admission
Contact: Wendy at 849-0842 or Crystal at 234-4232
February 9th, 2013
United Blood Services Blood Drive,
To schedule an appointment call 847-8958 or
Location: Eagles Club
Contact: Marchy
Website: http://www.unitedbloodservices.org
February 9th, 2013
Girl Scout Cookie Sales, 10am-2pm
Location: Washington Square Mall
Price: $4/box
Contact: Washington
Square Mall, 218.847.1679
February 10th, 2013
6th Annual Enchanting Events Wedding Expo, 12-3pm
Wedding Style Show
by Elegance at 3pm,
one lucky couple will WIN a $5000 Grand Prize
Wedding Package.
Location: Frazee Event Center
Price: $5/at the
Contact: Melissa 218.234.1175 or enchantingevents07@gmail.com
February 10th, 2013
Family Ski Trek, 2pm
your skis and dress in layers.
Location: TaMarchac Refuge
Contact: TaMarchac Refuge 218-847-2641
Website: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/taMarchac
February 11th,
Joe Rossi, Nature Photographer, 7pm
Detroit Lakes Library
Price: Free
Contact: Detroit Lakes Library,
February 11th, 2013
Chill, 4-6pm
Location: Washington Square Mall
Price: Chocolate
sampling and Valentines Day Shopping
Contact: Detroit Lake Chamber of
Commerce, 218.847.9202
February 11th, 2013
Pop Rocks Valentines! 1.30-2.30pm
Location: La Barista Meeting Space
Price: call to register
Contact: 218.844.5880
February 12th, 2013
FM Symphony Orchestra
Classical Music Series, 7pm
Enjoy the FM Symphony Orcestra's
rendition of
classical music that will entertain the whole family.
Location: Historic Holmes Theatre
Price: $10/adults, Free/students
Contact: Historic Holmes Theatre, 218.844.7469
Website: http://www.dlccc.org
February 12th, 2013
Polar-Riffic Spaghetti Dinner,
Location: M State Cafeteria
Price: $6/adults, $3/kids
February 12th, 2013
Varying Degrees
Trio - Percussion Group, 7pm
Location: Historic Holmes Theatre
Price: Free for students
Contact: Historic Holmes Theatre,
February 12th, 2013
The Polar
Putt, 11:30am-1pm
Location: Halls of Washington Square Mall
Contact: Washington Square Mall, 218.847.1679
12th, 2013
Solid Waste Training for Business, 8am-noon
Location: Becker Co. Courthouse
Price: free
Contact: Sandy
846-7200 x7277,
12th, 2013
Polar Putt, 11:30am-1pm
Putt 2', 4', 6' & 10'
for mall gift cards and prizes.
Location: Washington Square Mall
Price: Free
Contact: Washington Square Mall, 218.847.1679
February 14th, 2013
Happy Valentines Day
February 14th, 2013
Sweet Heart Wine Tasting & Live music
Location: Ice House Restaurant
Contact: Holiday Inn on the Lake,
Website: http://www.holidayinndl.com
February 14th, 2013
Giving Hearts Day
Location: Online
Price: Each donation will be matched by Dakota Medical Foundation
Contact: Lakes Crisis and Resource 218.847.8572
Website: http://www.lakescrisis.com
February 15th, 2013
LIVE at the Lodge, 6-9pm
Location: BEST WESTERN PREMIER the Lodge on Lake Detroit
BEST WESTERN PREMIER the Lodge on Lake Detroit, 218.847.8439
Website: http://www.thelodgeonlakedetroit.com
February 15th,
Ice Tee Golf Tourney, noon: lunch at Zrobaz; golf: 1pm
Location: On lake by Zorbaz
Contact: 218.844.4221
February 16th,
ULTRA Vintage Snowmobile Rally, 9am-registration;
Location: On Detroit Lake in front of Condos
Wayne Schlauderaff 218.847.4503
Website: http://www.ultradl.org
February 16th, 2013
3rd Annual Man and Machine/Ice
Motor Cycle Racing
Location: Holiday Inn on the Lake
Holiday Inn on the Lake, 218.847.2121
February 16th, 2013
Freeze Your Buns 5K Run
Location: around Detroit Lakes
DLCCC, 218.844.4222
Website: http://www.dlccc.org
February 16th, 2013
17th Annual Polar Fest Plunge, 1pm
Location: Detroit Lake
Price: $50 to jump, free for spectators
Contact: Boys and Girls Club 218.847.5700
February 16th,
Polaritaville Dance Music by Carmen the Cactus, 9pm
Location: Zorbaz
Contact: Zorbaz 218.847.5305
16th, 2013
Winter Fireworks Display, 7pm
Location: Public
Price: Free
February 16th, 2013
Youth Fishing Derby by MN Darkhouse & Angling Assn., 11am-2pm
Location: Little Detroit Lake near Zorbaz
Price: Free for ages 12 and
February 16th, 2013
Polar Pancake &
French Toast Feed, 7am-10:30am
Served by the Knights of Columbus.
Location: Detroit Lake Pavilion
Price: Free will offering to benefit
Boys and Girls Club of DL
Contact: Boys and Girls Club
February 17th, 2013
LIVE at the Lodge, 7-10pm
Location: Lodge on Lake Detroit
Lodge on Lake Detroit, 218.847.8439
Website: http://www.thelodgeonlakedetroit.com
February 21st,
Terrance Simien's Creole for Kids, 10am
Simien uses Zydeco music--the indigenous music of t
French-speaking Creoles of south Louisiana--
to share his Creole
culture and history.
Location: Historic Holmes Theatre
Historic Holmes Theatre, 218.844.7469
Website: http://www.dlccc.org
February 21st, 2013
Terrrance Simien & the Zydeco Experience, 7:30pm
A funky way to spice
up your winter--Creole style.
Location: Historic Holmes Theatre
Price: $20/adults, $10/students
Contact: Historic Holmes Theatre,
Website: http://www.dlccc.org
February 22nd, 2013
Dwight Yoakam, 8pm
Location: Shooting Star Casino
Price: prices
vary, see website for details
Contact: Shooting Star Casino,
Website: http://www.starcasino.com
February 23rd, 2013
Ultra DL Vintage Snowmobile Ride
Location: Holiday Inn on the Lake
Contact: Holiday Inn on the Lake. 218.847.2121
February 23rd, 2013
Golden Gloves Boxing Event
Location: Holiday Inn on the Lake
Contact: Holiday Inn on the Lake, 218.847.2121
February 23rd, 2013
Itasca's Lantern Lit Snowshoe, 6-8pm
Snowshoe by the light of the
moon and lanterns along the trail.
Location: Itasca State Park
Price: Free/unless you rent snow shoes
Contact: Itasca State Park,
February 23rd, 2013
Frazee Third
Crossing Sled Dog Rendezvous (rescheduled), noon
Sled dog mushers and
skijorers need to register by Friday, Jan. 18
Attend the racers
meeting at 8pm, Friday, at the Hostel Hornet.
You can register
online or on Friday, Jan. 18 from 7-8pm.
5 different races; awards
program at 7pm at Hostel Hornet.
Location: East US Hwy. 10 exit to
Frazee, off Co. Rd. 10
Price: Free to spectators
Contact: Neal
Seeger, NLseeger@arvig.net
February 23rd,
"Enchanting Du Jour" Fundraiser, 5:30pm
invitation for individuals, businesses and
organizations to be part
of a fundraiser to purchase banquet
chairs for the Vergas Event
Center. Each table will seat 8 guests;
you sell 7 tickets for your
table and will get 1 free ticket.
Decorate your table with a theme;
the possibilities are endless!
There will be a "People's Choice"
Award for best decorated table.
Social hour begins at 5:30pm with a
cash bar by the Vergas Lions;
hors d'oeuvres, silent auction,
dinner, and live entertainment
featuring area talent. Only 24 tables
contact Melissa to reserve yours today!
Location: Vergas Event Center
Contact: Melissa at 218-234-1175
February 25th,
Lakes Area Photography Show
This serves as an
invitation to
amateurs and pros to submit up
to 5 - 8X10 photos
which will be on
display at the mall for the week.
Vote for the
People's Choice in
both youth and adult photos.
Washington Square Mall
Price: Photos due by February 15
Dawn Olson, 218.847.1679
or DLAPS2013@gmail.com
February 25th, 2013
Lakes Middle School Choir Concert, 7:30pm
Location: Detroit Lakes
Middle School
Contact: Detroit Lakes Middle School, 218.847.9228
Website: http://www.dlschools.net